Your House in Italy
Borgotaro - Valtaro
Via Nazionale
Direct bruikbaar
5 bedrooms
bad 1
Energiecertificaat: G
Lift: Si
Garage: No
San Rocco
Direct bewoonbaar
2 bedrooms
Energiecertificaat: D
Lift: No
Garage: Yes
1 bedroom
historic centre
bad 2
Energiecertificaat: F
centro paese
Land: communal garden
3 bedrooms
Viale Bottego
Moet gemoderniseerd worden
centre of town
Garage: External parking space
Via Piave
Centre of town - Viale Bottego
Via Cassio
Restauratie nog af te ronden
Garage: Yes, with additional chargeo
town centre
Land: 40 m² terrace
centro paese - zona Giardini
center town
Land: Garden for exclusive use
Town centre - Via Nazionale
200 metres from the centre of town
bad 0
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