Buy Stone Cottage Italy
Bedonia - Valtaro
2 km from the centre
Immediately habitable
Land: 1,000 m²
3 bedrooms
bath 1
Certificazione energetica: G
Garage: Yes
Borgotaro - Valtaro
3 km from the town
Works to be completed
200 metres from the center
Land: 1,500 m² of garden
5 bedrooms
bathrooms 3
Certificazione energetica: F
Albareto - Valtaro
3 km from Albareto
Land: 13.500 m²
Properties with spring/fountain
4 bedrooms
bathrooms 2
Land: 700 m² of garden
2 bedrooms
Certificazione energetica: E
Lift: No
Via Nazionale
Garage: No
Compiano - Valtaro
Land: courtyard area
Garage: External parking space
San Rocco
Lift: Si
Garage: Yes, with additional chargeo
To be modernised
Upper Ceno Valley
To be totally restored
Land: 300 m²
bathrooms 0
1 km da Albareto
Routine maintenance
Land: 4,750 m²
1 bedroom
Gardens - Via Marconi
Land: Condominium garden
Selvola - High Val Ceno
Land: 300 m² of garden
More than 5 bedrooms
bathrooms 5
9 km from Borgotaro
Land: 17,000 m²
Isolated place
6 km from Bedonia
Land: 10 m² of garden
old town centre
Ready to start up immediately
Land: 2,500 m² of surrounding area
Tornolo/Tarsogno - Valtaro
Emilia-Liguria border
town centre
Land: 40 m² terrace
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